Why We Share Spotlights on Friday

Why We Share Spotlights on Friday!!

Every Friday in our members only group, you’ll see dozens of posts that begin with “SLF: …!!!”

This is something we started this a few years ago! Its purpose is to cultivate gratitude in your own progress–to take five minutes each week to stop and reflect on how far you’ve come.

If you’re new, this can be intimidating. Heck, if you’ve been here for a while, reading others’ Spotlights can still be intimidating! You can see them and think, “I can’t top that!” or “Wow, everyone else is killing it except me!” But here’s the secret:

You don’t share your spotlights to impress other people. You share your Spotlights to remind yourself that you’re winning.

Writing your Spotlights is more important than reading others’ Spotlights (although, admittedly, that’s my favorite hobby.)

Instead of waiting until you have a big victory in your life, Spotlights should be used MOST when you feel like you have none! When you feel as if you’re at the bottom, that’s the time when you need to practice Spotlights most.

This Friday, I want to see YOU post a Spot light.

If it takes you twenty minutes to find one in your life, GOOD. That’s why we do it.

To tell the truth, sometimes it takes me all day–! But I always feel better after I do the exercise.

We don’t think about our Spot lights because we want to brag. We think about them because it’s Friday.

Family, help the others in this group: tag one other person who hasn’t posted their Spot lights in a week or two. Let them know you care about their progress. Pull them out of the well.

Use the Spotlights of others as inspiration. But take the time to find your own: that’s the practice that matters most. ❤

P.S we started a public Facebook page to share free resources and help our community with health and fitness struggles. this is a great safe place to share your goals and struggles. there is a ton of bs on the internet we help filter that out for you! go check it out we would love for you to join……Health and Wellness for Central Oregonians | Facebook